REACT: Is it a framework or a library?


Currently, we see many companies using React because it offers incredible innovations to date, such as combining JavaScript, HTML, and CSS code in a single file, known as JSX.

Surprisingly, React is not a framework (at least for a large portion of developers) since it focuses on user interfaces.

If you ask me personally, React offers changes and improvements in web development that cannot be overlooked, such as the virtual DOM, the Redux design pattern, and more. This leads me to wonder if it is just a library…

What is missing for it to be considered a Framewo

Let’s take Angular as an example. This powerful tool developed and offered by the Google team provides us with the ability to have a native Single Page Application (SPA) without relying on external modules like React does with its well-known React Router DOM or React Navigation. Additionally, Angular allows us to make server queries through HttpClient, eliminating the need to use fetch. It also enables us to create reactive forms and much more.

Unlike React, Angular offers greater scalability when it comes to large applications. However, this doesn’t mean that React is inferior. On the contrary, React is a relatively lightweight, easy-to-learn, and incredibly modular tool. With a few modules like Redux and React Router DOM, React becomes a very straightforward framework to include in your projects.

Let’s not forget about React Native, which is indeed a framework with a syntax very similar to React. It allows us to build mobile applications for both Android and iOS, leveraging our knowledge of React to develop mobile apps.

In conclusion, React is a great tool that meets your needs with a large community willing to help and a wide variety of modules that are on par with other equally good tools like the ones mentioned above. If you have the opportunity to learn React, don’t hesitate for a second longer.

By: Yojhan Alejandro Atuesta

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