
Discovering and explaining how our digital world is changing, and changing us.

Technological adoption in small businesses

Technological adoption in small businesses

23 May, 2023

The transformation from traditional to digital has had a significant impact in recent years, as it has allowed for increased productivity in many businesses and, at the same time, reduced the existing digital divide in various areas, both economically and socially. First and foremost, from an economic perspective, technologies have greatly benefited small businesses by […]

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REACT: Is it a framework or a library?

REACT: Is it a framework or a library?

23 May, 2023

Currently, we see many companies using React because it offers incredible innovations to date, such as combining JavaScript, HTML, and CSS code in a single file, known as JSX. Surprisingly, React is not a framework (at least for a large portion of developers) since it focuses on user interfaces. If you ask me personally, React […]

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The power of technology!

The power of technology!

23 May, 2023

Currently, we cannot imagine the world without technology, as it has become an important tool for the development of human life, as it offers a series of advantages and disadvantages that directly affect daily activities. Castells mentions that the strategy is aimed at changing the world through technology and, in return, receiving a benefit either […]

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Start and get to know your target market.

Start and get to know your target market.

23 May, 2023

In Colombia, the economic situation has been greatly affected by the arrival of the pandemic. Many businesses, both large and small, have seen a decrease in sales, loss of customers, or, in the worst cases, have closed their doors. However, entrepreneurship has transcended in society as it is seen as an opportunity for growth. Millions […]

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NFTs y mil verdaderos fans

NFTs y mil verdaderos fans

23 May, 2023

In his classic 2008 essay “1000 True Fans“, Kevin Kelly predicted that the Internet would transform the economy of creative activities: “To be a successful creator, you don’t need millions. You don’t need millions of dollars or millions of customers, millions of clients or millions of fans. To make a living as a craftsman, photographer, […]

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Redux as a development pattern.

Redux as a development pattern.

23 May, 2023

The development of technology in the areas of web and mobile services has gained great momentum over the years, and we have witnessed how mobile applications are becoming increasingly necessary in every aspect of our lives, as well as services on web pages. This continuous development over time has also led to improvements in the […]

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Technology as a means of learning.

Technology as a means of learning.

23 May, 2023

The role of the New Information Technology in the social and cultural changes we experience today is of great importance, particularly in the field of education. According to Edith Litwin (1995), certain conceptions about changes in educational systems in some countries attribute a decisive action to the incorporation of these resources in improving the quality […]

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What is cryptography? Functionalities and types.

What is cryptography? Functionalities and types.

23 May, 2023

In computer science, cryptography refers to the technique of codes and encrypted writing systems to protect the transmission of private information, making it illegible or practically impossible to decipher for those who do not possess the key. It works by using ciphers or codes to write something secret in documents and confidential data that circulate […]

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What is Blockchain and what is it used for?

What is Blockchain and what is it used for?

23 May, 2023

Blockchain, or “cadena de bloques” as it is known in Spanish, is a set of technologies that allows us to maintain a decentralized, synchronized, and highly secure record of information across computers and other devices. It creates a public ledger for digital operations, uniquely identifying each device that is part of the blockchain. The key […]

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